Massage, well known for its stress relieving qualities as well as its
effects on muscle soreness and stiffness, has many other attributes
as well. Massage provides a wide array of health benefits that impact
us on emotional, psychological and physical levels. Below is a list
of those attributes verified by research:
- Circulation
- increases number of red blood cells
- assists in the elimination of waste products
- reduces edema
- helps with detoxification
- Immune System
- increases immune system response by increasing cytotoxic capacity
(natural killer cell activity)
- increases number of white blood cells
- can speed healing after injury and help with total body
- recovery from disease
- Increases Energy
- Stimulates Nerves
- Releases Endorphins (Natural Pain Killers)
- helps with depression or anxiety
- can reduce chronic pain
- Blood pressure
- Reduces heart rate
- Reduces blood pressure in hypertensive people
- Muscles
- helps with muscle tone by stimulating weak/inactive muscles
- improves areas of existing strains/fibrosis/spasm
- relaxes muscles
- decreases formation of excessive scar tissue
- enhances athletic performance
- Flexibility
- increases flexibility and can then increase range of motion
to joints
- increases the stretching and loosening of connective tissue
- Can improve skin tone/health and nourishment
- Helps heal sprains and damage to ligaments
(structures that connect bones)
- Stuctural
- stabilizes the spine and helps keep chiropractic adjustments
- improves posture
- Reduces tension and migraine headaches and the effects of
eye strain
- Can
improve digestion
- Can increase concentration, alertness and performance in
office workers
- Promotes deeper, easier breathing
- Helps promote better sleep
- Additional emotional/mental benefits
- (see 5 and 14 above)
- increased capacity for calm thinking and creativity
- enhanced body awareness
- peace of mind/ wellbeing
- helps with the ability to handle stress and deal with difficult
- provides nurturing touch to those who do not receive sufficient
touch in daily life
In addition to these attributes, studies have shown that massage has
merit in helping a number of specific problems.
See links to medical studies on the benefits of massage;